Sunday, February 1, 2015

Day 19 - Generations

Day 19 - Today's picture is called generations.  It is a combination of pictures I took today and one that was taken a long time ago. As I said goodbye to a man that I have loved my entire life and will continue to miss every day for the rest of it I also got sentimental about the house that he was raised in and has meant a lot to all of us over the years.

The black and white is of my dad when he was a boy sitting on the front steps of his home that he shared with his mother.  After they moved to Salem for quite a few years Grandma Francie moved back and eventually reacquired the house and lived there until the day she died peacefully inside of it.  My brother and my families stayed here this past week while we were in town for my dad's funeral.  This house has so many memories for me.  As a child I spent a lot of time here with Grandma, and then when her health declined my dad and step-mother moved in with her so much of my time with them was spent in this house.

I had found the picture of Dad on the steps when I was looking through pictures for a book I made for his 80th birthday.  I love that picture because it is great to see Dad as a young boy.  He and Grandma were very close because he was raised as an only child.  He would have had a sister, but she died within a few months of her birth, on Christmas Day.   I know Grandma always had a new story about Dad when I spent time with her, she loved him dearly as did I.

Today I decided that my picture of the day would be a picture of the house, and I took a few.  Then I decided I wanted a few pictures of some of my dad's decedents sitting on those same steps.  I first took a picture of Dad's namesake, Rex.  He is my Godchild and very dear to me.  After a couple of shots with Rex I added my three kids, who are my world.  I love the picture of four of his grand kids sitting on the exact steps that he sat on so long ago.  This isn't all of Dad's grand kids, I wish I could have gotten them all there but it wasn't possible.   I then took a picture of two of my three grandsons.  The weather wasn't the best so we didn't bring out my youngest that is only 10 months old.  These three boys are so very special and I love them so much.

After a loved one passes, I think it is normal to be nostalgic about a lot of things.  At least I hope it is somewhat normal, because since dad passed this week, I notice some things that maybe would have not even gotten a second glance before.  Tonight's Super Bowl commercials have included quite a few that were based on fathers, another showed a bull rider.  Each of them brought Dad to my mind. I made it through his funeral, even giving a small eulogy, and witnessing one of the best displays of honor I have ever seen beginning with the legion giving him the 21 gun salute and taps while his casket was loaded onto a Danville Firetruck.  He was then taken for his last ride which took him past his house and then to the fire station where he was dispatched for the last time then they retired his number, 12.  Amazing is the word I used over and over because I was so very impressed with all of those that made it happen.

Family is so important.  As I have one less here on earth after this past week, I know that each person that touches my life is important.  I cherish every laugh, every smile, and every moment I have left.  I hope to someday be reunited with Dad, Mom and so many more in Heaven, but for the rest of my time here I hope to never take a moment for granted because none of us know how many moments we have left.

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