Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 25 - Grandchildren

Day 25 - I am getting behind on my blogging.  I have been playing with my camera a lot but due to my lack of consistent  internet service at home, (thank you Frontier) I am really behind on posting.
Over the weekend I was lucky enough to get to spend the day with three of my favorite kids, my grandsons. These three are all the sons of my oldest daughter and as of now, they are the only three grandchildren we have. Today's pictures are of  each of them.

First is Kaden.  He was our first grandson and is a boy that I am very proud of.  He is growing into a young man that is caring and is normally the first to volunteer to help.  Kaden has a love of sports, all of them.  He is pretty athletic, but also is the first to get discouraged if he doesn't play well.  Kaden reminds me a lot of his mom.  He has a soft heart and doesn't like to fail.  As he grows I hope he learns to take those chances and deal with setbacks because he has a lot of talent and is a very smart boy.  He is soft spoken and doesn't like to cause or be in the middle of any drama.  He tries to get along with the others and usually gives in before fighting about much.  I can't wait to see what the world holds for him because he will do well, he knows how to deal with people.   Kaden, like the normal first born is usually responsible and willing to make the sacrifices to make others happy.  His teachers usually have good things to say about him because he is mannerly and gets along great with the others in school.  I think he will fit in well no matter where he goes in life because he has a personality that others enjoy being around.

 Second picture is of Kale.  Kale is the middle child.  He is referred to a lot as the one that almost caused them to only have two...  yep he is a little ornery, as in stubborn.  He is the child that once you have told him no more he will do whatever it is at least once more.... just because.  He has such a fun personality, at least when you are Grandma.  He likes to test every limit, push every issue to the extreme and try everything.... at least just once.  Kale is turning four this month and loves Space Jam.  He loves all sports, at least if they involve using a ball of some sort.  This may somewhat be because he adores his older brother, Kaden, who is also a sports nut, I see such big things in Kale's future.  I can easily see him accomplishing so much more than expected because he will push himself as hard as he pushes his parents now.  I think the sky is the limit for this kid because I vision him being able to get by with a little extra because he has the smile and look in his eyes that make you forget whatever it was that you were supposed to be mad at him about.  He is full of energy and very, very independent.  He is going to try to accomplish something long before he will ever ask for assistance.  Some refer to his type as strong willed.  I see the inner strength in him that is going to take him far.

Then we have the baby, Keaton.  He isn't old enough yet to really know much about his personality just yet.  We are enjoying the baby stages with him and watching him develop into the person he will become.  He is pleasant, a pretty good sleeper and pretty easy going.  He is beginning to crawl and can pretty much get anywhere he pleases now.  It won't be long and he will be walking and really getting around the house.  He brings so much joy with his smiles and giggles.

Each of the three grandsons are so different.  I always find it interesting to see people grow up in the same household, raised in the same manner and come out completely different.  That is one of life's mysteries that makes it interesting.  My older brother and I have a few similarities.  I believe we are both hard workers, honest people, and open minded.  He is the one that is of few words.  He is such a wonderful person, he has some great friends, and I believe his friendship is treasured by those close to him.  He can fix almost anything and is the first one to jump in to offer to help.  I think both of us got a little of both of our parents traits.  Mom didn't say a lot, if she was hurting or angry, she pretty much just dealt with it and didn't express it much,  Dad was a little more outgoing, didn't mind throwing himself out there and didn't really seem to care if you liked him or not - he was who he was.  They both had so many dear friends who valued who they were and embraced them.  Maybe sometimes I have too much of my dad in me.  My husband, kids and I are who we are, sometimes that is a little more than what others like.  We are outspoken, usually saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and normally we are louder than we should be and often times laugh at inappropriate things.  My dad was like this.  If he was mad at you for something, you pretty much knew it, but on the other hand when he loved you he also expressed it.

As I look at my three grandsons, I enjoy seeing little bits of all of their older family members in them.  When I see them I always count them as some of my blessings.  They are a big part of my life and I can't imagine not having them around to enjoy.  I try to see them and spend time with them as often as I can but it isn't as often as I would like.

If you are blessed with grandchildren, enjoy them.  They grow up so fast and in a short time they will be busy with their own lives.  Just the other day when I asked Kale how much Grandma loved him, to which his response is supposed to be Whole Bunches, and his response was "I'm too big for that Grandma."  Give them hugs when they allow and enjoy the fruits of raising your own kids right by watching them do the same with your grandchildren.  Embrace each child in your life for who they are.  Each will have their own personality, allow them that and enjoy that about them.  Most of all show them direction and always show them love.

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