Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 9 - Off Season

Day 9 - This morning I decided to drive through the Effingham Park District, like I do a lot of days during my lunch hour.  It is a great place to go and eat lunch, relax, read or take a nap all from my van.  I love going there because in the colder months it is very peaceful, not a lot of things going on there and in the spring and summer to watch the excitement of all the kids participating in the activities they offer. 

This morning this particular ball field caught my eye.  The sun was coming up and I just liked the shadows in the background, the frost was on the brown grass and the dirt is as solid as concrete.  It just sits and waits for it's time.  In a short time the groundskeepers will start fertilizing the grass and working the dirt and before we know it this field and the others at the park will be buzzing with excitement.  Someone's first game of their life, another will get their first hit, or strike someone out for the first time.  Every player dreams of hitting that grand slam.  The grass will soon be green and this and all of the fields will be full of life.

I have never been a fan of winter, I think anyone that has ever met me probably knows this about me.  But without winter I am not sure that I would appreciate spring and summer as much as I do.  I guess, too, this field reminds me of the promise of being renewed.  We all have seasons in our lives that aren't our brightest moments.  We all have things that if we could redo them we would happily do so.  Maybe those times in our life are like this field through the winter, they are our off season.  I believe that without those off seasons I wouldn't be the person I am.  If I hadn't made some of the mistakes I have made I wouldn't have met the people in my life that I needed to meet.  I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, that if we don't experience life and allow ourselves to learn and broaden our horizons life will end and we will have even more regrets. 

I remember a friend and very good coach used to say sometimes with his players you would have to tear them down so you could rebuild them better.  I am sure in the off season this has happened to this field many times.  I also believe in some of my off seasons that was what was happening to me.  I sometimes thing that things that tear us down spiritually help us rebuild to be better and stronger. 

If you are in your off season now, use this time like the baseball field to rest, rebuild and renew so that when it is your Spring you are in game condition. 

Happy Friday - Share your smile, so many times, that can make or break another person's day.

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