Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 5 - What's in a name?

Day 5 - I decided to take a picture of one of the walls in my living room.  Last Christmas Josh's girlfriend, Shelby, bought the Funneman wall hanging made from horseshoes.  I loved it and started thinking of where to hang it.  After we redecorated I found this spot and really like it there.  I accented it with pictures, one of Josh and one of Kaden.  I can't take credit for taking either of those pictures.  Josh's was taken during one of his SIUE plays called The 39 Steps.  The picture of Kaden was taken by my daughter, Heather, at the Effingham County fairgrounds.

When I look at that wall hanging I think what really is in a name?  I know when I moved to the area all the names that are popular here were unfamiliar to me.  I came from an area where Winchester, Elliott, Gum, Knutt, Goodin, and Nordike were some of the common names.  When I first started dating Todd thirty plus years ago everyone would ask, which Funneman is he?  Who does he belong to? There are a lot of Funnemans in the area, and a lot of descendants of Funnemans.  In fact I was lucky enough to help plan a very large Funneman get together a few years back where we brought together over 1,000 people together for a three day reunion.  Throughout the planning of and during the celebration I was lucky enough to meet and become friends with many who come from the Funneman bloodline.  There were so many that are good hearted, hard working, very caring people, and trust me they are a fun loving bunch as well.

A name is something that is handed down over generations and should be something that is held to the highest of standards, it should be something that a person makes sure it is associated with honor when it is handed down to their offspring.  Some are happy with the name given them, some want to change it and some set out to make it something to be remembered.  If a person has a name that hasn't been one of honor, it should be their goal in life to change it to a name to be proud of.

It is my hope that after my time on Earth that I have in some small way made the Goodwin and Funneman names just a little better in the eyes of those that know me.  I know I am proud to have been given the Goodwin name and very proud to have the opportunity to be called a Funneman.

Do your best to make someone's day a little better with a kind word or even just a genuine smile.

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