Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 3 - Early Morning with Keaton

Today began with getting up a little earlier than most of the others in the house and feeling blessed to hear Keaton moving around and cooing to himself.  I went in to check on him and was rewarded with a huge smile.  He started kicking and getting all excited.  I can't remember anyone being that happy to see me in a long time.  When I picked him up he gave me his infamous ahhhs..  which consists of him licking my face.  Those are the best ahhhs anyone could ask for.  As he and I hung out for a while before anyone else started stirring I enjoyed a few snuggles, getting to feed him and just noticing his small features, his chubby cheeks and his wonderful personality.

I have been blessed to have raised three wonderful kids.  Each with their own distinct personalities, all of which I embrace and enjoy, and each with their own special place in my heart.  Now as I get the opportunity to enjoy being Grandma I can't soak up enough of it.  Each minute I get with each of my three grandsons is special.  Trust me the other two will be shown in one of my near future days, but today is Keaton's day.

Keaton was my grandson that wasn't ever gonna happen.  He was the one that after having two boys his parents had said no more.  They were happy with the two boys they had and thought their family was complete.  Boy am I ever glad that wasn't the way it worked out.  This little one is a smiley, easy going little man.  I hope that some day my house is one of his favorite places to be.

When I was growing up I had Grandma Francie.  She was a fun grandma that planned fun things for us to do.  We would go places and Grandma would make us laugh, even if others stared and didn't get her.  She didn't care, she soaked up life and the joys of it.  She traveled a lot in her lifetime and had lots of stories to tell.  I always hope that my grand kids grow up and have fond memories of their time with me like I do of my grandma.  I also had Grandma Bessie in my life.  She was my mom's mother.  She passed when I was twelve but I do have memories of her and her house.  She lived in Salem and didn't have running water in her house.  I remember times when we stayed with her we would have to use the outhouse, and go out to bring in pans of water to wash up.  She loved us but she was completely different from Grandma Francie.  Grandma Bessie didn't like to be noticed, she was more quiet and to herself.  I loved them both a lot, but to be completely honest I hope to be more of a Grandma Francie kind of grandma.

As everyone woke my quiet time with Keaton ended but not before I got the chance to enjoy him at this age, enjoy the baby smell, the soft skin, the trusting eyes and the toothless grin.  It won't be long and he will be walking and talking and trying to keep up with his older brothers, but for now he is just such a sweet little man.

If you have kids in your life, take the time to be that person... the one that they always remember took the time to know them, I know I remember those in my life that did.

Enjoy the day, we don't know how many we get!

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