Friday, January 9, 2015

Day 2 - Country and Faith

This morning after I dropped Todd off at work I decided to take a drive to the Cross at the Crossroads.  I took a few pictures of the cross but when I was pulling out of the drive I looked back and saw the flag in front of the cross.  I decided that was gonna be my picture of the day.  As I looked at the flag waving in the cold January air in front of the huge cross it reminds me of how lucky I am to live in a place where we are free.  I think of every service man and service woman that has by choice or by draft defended our country.  I watch war movies (those are Todd's favorites) and I always think and usually say out loud - how did anyone survive after going through that. And then, I think for many, the answer is behind the flag in the picture.  I believe that many of those people who survived and thrived after those circumstances wouldn't have been able to if not for their faith.  Those of you that know me well know that I grew up in a God loving and God fearing family.  We didn't have a church that we really belonged to.  I wasn't even baptized until after I met Todd.  We believed in God and we were raised to know right from wrong but I was always uncomfortable in church, because I didn't really understand religion.

When I met Todd I also met his family.  Two people in that family helped make my decision that I wanted to turn Catholic.  First was my Mother-In-Law, Babe.  She was raised by her father, her mother died in childbirth when Babe was only very young, (That is why she was nicknamed Babe).  She was raised Catholic because that is what religion her "mamma" was.  Babe is one of the most true to her faith women I have met.  She can tell you anything you want to know about the Catholic religion and she stands firm on her beliefs.  When I chose to join the Catholic Church I knew immediately that she would be my Godmother.  The other person that I have always and will always hold near and dear was Todd's uncle, Tom Funneman.  This man taught me more about unconditional love, the Catholic faith and just pure human spirit than anyone ever has.  From the day I met him his laughter, his wisdom, the sparkle in his eye when he smiled, so many things about him that would just draw people in. We could sit and listen to Tom for hours.  He never had a bad thing to say about anyone, and did I mention his laugh.. it was the most sincere and heartfelt laugh I have ever heard.  I can't wait to someday hear that laugh again and get a hug from the man I chose as my Godfather.  I will be the first to admit, I am not the best Catholic, I have a lot of flaws but I do believe that there is a Heaven and I hope that at the end of my time here on Earth I am welcomed there to be joined with so many that I love that are already there.  I like to believe they are having all the fun there and someday I will get invited to that party and I will get the opportunity to see and be with all those I miss so much.

Anyway As I wrap this up.  Today I am taking the time to be thankful that I am allowed to have my faith.  I give everyone that right as long as it doesn't take my right away.  If you are good to me and my family and friends you can believe or not believe in God.  You can believe you own beliefs because that is your right.  It was fought for and lives were lost fighting for your right to believe what you want, but I hope you respect the right of others to have their own beliefs.  I feel that too many times our country has become so "politically correct" and so worried about offending others that we forget that we have rights too.

Happy Day 2 of my 365.  Smile and if you can make someone else's day better by being a part of it, take the challenge.  

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