Friday, January 23, 2015

Day 15 - Laughter

Day 15 - My picture today isn't the best quality but the subjects in it are nothing but quality in my opinion.  Yes, the tall one is my youngest child and only son, Josh.  The other guy here is Dean Schardan.  I hadn't had a chance to listen to his comedy before last night but I will make the effort to see him anytime I get the chance.  These two, along with Amber Klear, (who I think is one of the best around), Bruce Veach and Andrew Hagan (as the Crumbs of Cheezits) had the near sold out crowd at Hey Guys Comedy Club in Fairview Heights cracking up.  

Dean mentioned, and I have always believed that if you can laugh at it you can get through it.  He brought up his wife's battle with cancer and how in the midst of it all humor helped them through it.  Our family is also proof that laughter is the best medicine.  If we are faced with any adversity we normally make some kind of inappropriate joke about it.  That is what we do.  Many around us don't get us, but it is a coping mechanism that has brought me through a lot in my life.  I know leaving Hey Guys last night I felt more alive than I did when I went in the club.  I laughed a lot and got to see the people around me having fun as well.  How can that not make a person feel better?

I was very happy as I sat in the back of the crowd last night as Josh hosted the show.  During his set it was a lot of fun to listen to people who don't know us laugh at Josh's jokes.  Sure, I think he is hilarious but to hear others who don't know him laugh so hard it made this mom very proud.   

As your kids grow up, you continue to worry, I don't think that will ever change.  As a mom of a theater performance major senior college student you hope that he will be able to go out into the world and make a living at what he loves.  As Josh's mom I believe in him.  I believe that he is doing what he loves and what he is meant to do.  He is most comfortable when he is on stage and/or in front of a crowd, acting or doing stand up.

As I look at the picture that I took with my cell phone (not my camera), I wish I had gotten a photo of all the comedians from last night because they were a great group and they should be proud of the show they put on.  I look at Josh on stage, where he is happiest and hoping he has many more chances to perform for others and make them laugh and God willing that I am able to be there to see it as well.  

I hope Hey Guys and clubs like it everywhere can continue to draw in crowds so aspiring and veteran comedians have somewhere to go to entertain people.  I give them all a lot of credit for putting themselves out there.  The world needs more laughter and I am glad that Josh is doing his part in bringing it.  

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