Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Day 49 - Trust

Day 49 - The last couple of days when I leave work this rabbit has been sitting in the grass close to where I park my van.  Each day I have sat and watched it eat the grass as if it doesn't have a care in the world.  I decided today to snap a couple of pictures of it.

This rabbit seems completely oblivious to the many stray cats that run loose in the area and it wasn't  spooked by me at all, as if it knew that I wasn't an enemy.  I sat there for a few minutes and got my camera out all while the rabbit continued to eat.  

I have a friend that has a pet rabbit.  He has lived in her home for a number of years.  Her husband calls him Bugs, but his name is really Noah.  Noah has aged, but when he was younger he would always follow her around the house.  He has been litter box trained and has been a great pet for her.

This rabbit is like a small child with it's trust.  I could have gotten even closer to it because it seemed to trust me even though it didn't know me.  I remember well when my kids would talk to anyone about anything.  I would warn them of strangers, but they still seemed to trust everyone.  Sometimes I think this is because they were brought up in a small town setting where there weren't many that we considered strangers.  I still warned them of the dangers of those that we didn't know, and even sometimes of those we do.

The world is a wonderful place, filled with many wonderful people and things.  I choose to see the beauty in the world and continue to trust those around me until I have been given a reason not to.  I do, however, realize that there are times when we must heighten our sense of awareness and be more cautious.  I am sure the rabbit above was constantly smelling the air for danger even though he appeared to be calm and unaware.

After Josh graduates from college next week I hope that as he enters the real world that he continues to see the world in the wonderful way he always has, but with a certain sense of awareness so that he remains safe.  I know that he will encounter those that aren't deserving of his trust and I hope that he has the ability to smell trouble before it happens and avoid it like the rabbit above avoids the predators that would do it harm.

If you get the opportunity to enjoy nature in all its glory, do so and embrace the beauty of it.

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