Monday, April 6, 2015

Day 42 - 22 years

Day 42 - Today is a picture of Josh performing.  I know I have written in the past about him making me laugh.  Today is his 22nd birthday so I decided today's post would be about him.  He is the baby of our family and in many ways he is the typical baby... He has been spoiled, not only by me, but probably even more so by his two big sisters.  Growing up he has been the one that doesn't worry about much.  He not only doesn't sweat the little stuff, sometimes even the big things are just minor inconveniences for him.  He almost always finds a comedic twist to a situation.  Josh is full of life and if possible he is going to do whatever it takes to make you laugh.  Much of his comedy is aimed at himself because he has always been one that was able to take himself lightly.

I always enjoy watching Josh perform.  It doesn't matter if it is stand up or in a theatrical performance.  When I see him on stage I can see that he is doing what he loves.  He has never had a problem with being the center of attention.  We have come across some old home movies when he would continue to find the camera and find a way to be in front of it.  Watching him talk to others after a show is always gratifying to me too.  He is sincerely appreciative of everyone that comes to see him perform.

When Josh was born, the expectations for him were high.  Todd, being the big sports nut imagined his son that would play basketball and baseball.  He was given the nickname J.T.  and the phrase that went with it was JT for we imagined all the three point shots he would be shooting.  Todd would pitch to him and teach him to pitch in hopes of watching his baseball career blossom.  As he got older it was apparent that he had no interest in playing sports (kind of got his athleticism from me).  At first Todd was disappointed, but over time he came to realize that Josh's passion was something that we could enjoy as well he was really okay with it.  After watching Josh, as a freshman in high school land the lead of Robin Hood in the spring production we knew that he had found his calling.

Recently the Alestle did an article on Josh where he commented "I'm quite the attention whore".  I laughed when I read that and when I read the wonderful things that a couple of his SIUE professors/directors had to say about him I realized that he really did make the right choice for himself when we decided on Theater Performance studies at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.  They have helped him develop into a confident, and talented performer.  We are realistic in what the future holds for Josh.  We realize that although he is talented and really enjoys what he is doing we know that the opportunities for him to be successful in the entertainment industry are not huge.  He is willing to sacrifice a lot.  He knows he will not be able to marry or start a family for a long time if he wants to work at his career.  I just know that when you are as passionate about something as he is, and you enjoy doing what you're doing like he does that you would be crazy not to make the attempt to be able to do that every day.

Josh has brought me 22 years of happiness.  Don't get me wrong there have been some times in the past 22 years that haven't been as wonderful as others, but I can assure you that I wouldn't trade any of my kids for anything.  I will support him, whichever direction he decides to go and I hope that he always keeps his view of life, because I believe that this world would be better if all of us had a little more Josh in them.

As a parent it is right to dream of a wonderful future for your children.  It is good to think about what your hopes and dreams for that child are, but it is also important to remember that they will be their own person.  Their interests may not correspond with yours.  They may be a Cubs fan even though you have raised them, rightfully, to be a true Cardinal fan.  You may dream that they be a doctor or a lawyer and they may choose to be a cowboy or a mechanic.  All I know is that when you see your child grow into what they dream to be and you see them happy doing what they love it should be what dreams are made of.

Happy Birthday Joshua Todd Funneman - I have thoroughly enjoyed the past 22 years and I so look forward to what the future holds. I can't wait to see you performing at the Effingham Performance Center on May 8th.  You continue to make us proud as you continue to entertain the world with your talent, your wit and your ability so see the brighter side of life.  Stay true to yourself and I truly believe you will go far.  Thanks for making my world better by being such an important part of it.

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