Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day 38 - Under Construction

Day 38 - Today's picture is of the crew that is working on the new building that is going up for Bahrns Equipment.  This building will be an addition to the building that we already occupy and will be more for warehousing than anything.  I have worked for the Bahrns family for over 25 years and  they have been in business for a lot longer than that.  As for this project, I was amazed to see the construction crew out there working in the mud when the snow was still melting and there wasn't a dry spot to be found.  I didn't know that you could pour concrete in those conditions but they showed me that I don't know anything about concrete.

Construction is always exciting.  Whether the construction is a new building or changing something about an existing structure, it is always new and different.  Stan designed this new project, just like he did our main building.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  We were doing business at 913 E. Fayette and he drew up the plans for what was going to be our new building on Banker.  Each day he would come in with a new idea for where our offices would be located, or where the bathrooms would be.  Each day was something new to discuss, it was great planning and picking out all the new colors and furniture.  We have been at our "new location" for over 22 years and I still think Stan did a great job designing it.

Construction isn't just for buildings.  In some ways, our lives are constantly under construction.  As we grow up our parents are like the architects in charge of developing the blueprints to help build us into responsible adults.  During the teen years there are plenty of redesigns and remodels that are necessary.  The picture of the finished project in our parent's heads many times isn't how we turn out at all.  As adults, it is our turn to redecorate and rearrange things to make the life that we dream of for ourselves.  Once we have grown up we then have to take responsibility for the maintenance of our lives.  At that point if we don't like the way we have turned out we have to step up and be the one that changes the floor plan.

I think if we aren't developing we are withering away.  Each day is another opportunity to learn something new, improve on the person we are, or help another person in some way.  I think that these are ways that we are always under construction.  Every day we are alive and able to do good deeds is a good day.  Allow yourself the opportunity to help others and when needed be helped by others as well.

As I closed today's blog, I want to ask for prayers for a local mother of two young sons who is battling for her life.  She has been an inspiration to many and has many close friends and family in the area that are all hurting as they witness her fight.  I hurt not only for her but for her boys, her parents and all that care so deeply for her.  They are all in my thoughts and prayers tonight.  I know there are many out there fighting this terrible fight.  Show those you love that you care, be the best you can be to yourself and those you love.  Be thankful for what you have and live each day as if it were your last.

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