Friday, November 6, 2015


Another Summer picture.  I love Summer.  I love being Grandma so I decided to post another summer picture of a grandson.  I called this one joy because seeing a kid have fun and being able to be part of why they are having fun is one of life's greatest joys.

I remember swimming being one of my favorite summertime activities.  A group of friends would go to the beach and spend the entire day.  I don't think we ever used sunscreen, but I don't remember ever really getting burnt very often.  My brother would get burnt to a crisp and he would peel and he would go back for more.  We really didn't know much about sunscreen or the terrible affects of too much sun.  Now it is habit to grab the sunscreen before doing anything else.  The grand kids stand in front of me in an assembly line fashion with their eyes and mouths closed and their arms straight out.  No one argues about putting sunscreen on, it is just a way of life.

I remember learning to swim and going off of a diving board for the first time like it was yesterday, even though it was so many yesterdays ago.  Being able to go in the deep end at the public pool where my dad lived was a big deal.  It was like taking a huge step in the growing up process.  My brother and his friends would always hang out in the deep end before I had the skills to join them.  I realize now that it was probably just a way to get away from his annoying little sister without giving me a reason to tattle on him.  I think he was probably as disappointed as I was proud of the day I made my first jump, while holding my nose of course, off of the low diving board.

I remember we would ride our bikes to the pool because we were too young to drive.  Dad and Kathy would spring for a summer pass for us so we could go every day.  The only days in the summer that we didn't go were when we were on the road at a rodeo or when the weather was bad.  I look back and realize that even when my brother was avoiding me he was always still looking out for me.  There were a few times that someone would pick on me at the pool, and if it wasn't one of his buddies he would just seem to show up and hang around until the person would leave me alone.  Getting bullied didn't happen often, but I do realize that he has always had my back.

I remember the joy I felt the first time that I had the guts to climb the high dive ladder and jump off.  It seemed like it took days before I hit the water but when I came up to the surface afterward I felt a sense of accomplishment that I can still remember.  Above is Kaden, I know when he first started going off the diving board he seemed to have that same feeling.  This summer when he finally learned how to dive, I saw an accomplished look on his face, and it was priceless.

I will always love Summer, it is my favorite season, and I will always love the memories I have.  I know I am not a fan of Winter, but without it I don't know that I would realize how much I love Summer.  If there were never bad in our lives we really wouldn't have the ability to appreciate all the good.  We all need to take the time to experience the joy, and appreciate life in general.

With Fall here, and knowing Winter is around the corner, I will reference those Summer memories and try to remember without one the other isn't so sweet.  I challenge everyone else to do the same.

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