Thursday, October 27, 2016

New Starts

Every morning I notice the sunrise.  There is something about a sunrise that has always intrigued me. This morning's sunrise was no exception.  My morning commute to work is spent in silence.  I turn off the radio, I talk to my parents in Heaven, and I thank God for another day.  I know that each day is a new opportunity.  It is an opportunity to begin again, to be a better person.  I know that I don't always succeed at being the person I want to be, I know that I could be so much better than I am, but every morning I set my goals to be the best I can be.

Every day is a blessing.  We hear that all the time, but it is so true.  The new day is a chance to apologize to someone who you have wronged, a chance to give a hug to someone you care about, and even just a chance to smile at a person who is having a bad day.

When my mom passed away, we were going through her things and I found her journal.  She didn't write a lot in it, but the days that she did write, she always ended it by writing Thank you Jesus for another day.  Mom didn't grow up with a lot of religion in her life.  She always believed in God, but it wasn't until late in life that she really began to feel comfortable in church.  She had always wanted to join a church but didn't want to feel stupid or out of place.  When she moved to Keyesport she joined he small Christian church there.  Almost immediately she felt at home there.  She told me many times how the pastor there had the most beautiful voice.  Mom loved her sermons, and she loved hearing her sing even more.  Mom's pastor sang at her funeral and I agree, she sounded wonderful.

I believe a new start is something that is a blessing, it is something to not be taken for granted.  If you have been given a second chance be happy and make the best of it.  If you need to give someone a second chance and you get the opportunity to do so, think about it and if you can please do.  Most of all, make each day the best it can be.  Smile at others and hug those you love.  Like I have said so many times life is too short to be grumpy.

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