Friday, June 12, 2015

Day 54 - Summertime Baseball Time

Day 54 is a picture I recently took of my grandson playing baseball.  Summertime is all about baseball in the Davis household.  Since that is the current sport the boys eat, sleep and live it.  This is Kaden's first year of regular baseball.  We had about three years of t-ball and then a year or two of coaches pitching to the boys and this year it can be real exciting, or real slow, depending on the abilities of the current pitcher.  I can see how much he enjoys the sport, he looks forward to each game and takes to heart the losses and celebrates the wins.

I enjoy going to the games when I can and it is go great to see so many people watching their kids, grand kids, nieces and nephews take the field.  It is especially great when you watch them encouraging the kids and cheering them on.  At this phase there aren't as many kids out there that really don't want to be, only the occasional outfielder that is just out there praying that the ball doesn't come to them and that the game will hurry up and get over. If I had played, I would have probably been that kid.

The average baseball player is out there hoping to hit that game winning run, strike out the batter to win the game or make the game winning catch.  They have played it over in their heads a million times and dream of being the star on a major league team of their choice in the future.  It is so much fun to watch these kids interact with one another.  Kaden's team is pretty good and when someone gets out they are there to tell them that it is okay and the next at bat will be better.  I always love seeing teams that play well together.

I remember back in the days when Josh played baseball.  He only played a few years. Like me, he didn't enjoy playing the game and after only a few years of it he realized that it was cutting in to his time at his best friend and cousin, Carsen's house where they had an in-ground pool and where he had a lot more fun.  Josh makes jokes about being the kid with his mitt on top of his head and looking more forward to sitting in the dugout than being on the field.  I know that Todd had hoped he would turn into a major league player, but I can honestly say I was more proud of my son, who didn't get many hits and didn't really love the game than I would have been had he been a poor sport or made fun of the others on the team.  Yep, I remember the sighs of disappointment from a few of the kids when it was Josh's bat and there were two outs.  I also remember a few times when he would get on base and as the protective mom I wanted to say something rude to the parent or two that had muttered under their breath, this is an out...  but I didn't.

I guess as I close I only want to ask that you be supportive of the kids in your life in what they choose to pursue.  If they don't like the same things as you do, give what they like to do a try.  I can honestly say that I enjoy watching Josh on stage more than I ever could have enjoyed watching him play baseball, but only because I know that is what he enjoys and where he belongs.  If you have a child that loves a sport that you have never really embraced, suck it up and embrace it.  Encourage them to be their own person, and I believe that most times the person that they become will make you proud.

Have a great day, love those in your life and thank God for another opportunity to touch the lives of others.

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