Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Day 53 - The Rexes

Day 53 - The above picture was taken over a year and a half ago, but as I looked through some of my pictures I decided this one was one I wanted to write about.  Above are three important people in my life and they are all named Rex.  The one in the cap and gown is my nephew and Godson.  To the left of him is my brother and to the right is Dad.

This picture was taken before I purchased my latest camera and I wish the quality was better.  I wish my picture could even begin to show how proud my dad was that Rex had graduated and that he was able to be there.  I know he was looking so forward to Josh's college graduation and I know he would have been there if he hadn't passed away.

My parents were divorced when I was only five.  I grew up in a family with two parents that respected one another.  They agreed that they weren't happy as a married couple, but they always cared for the other and wanted what was best for one another.  My parents never talked bad about the other to us, so I didn't feel the negativity from the divorce.  When my mom passed away my dad came and stayed with us for the visitation and the funeral, it was great to have him there with us. I feel Mom would have done the same if the circumstances were the same as well.

The above graduation took place in Kilgore, Texas.  Dad, my brother, his wife and I drove down for the ceremony and stayed two nights in Texas before Dad and I drove my nephew, Rex's, truck home.  Let's just say Dad started the drive and as soon as I could find a reason to pull over for breakfast I took the wheel and didn't give him the opportunity to drive any farther.  You see Dad was a truck driver in his younger years and until the day he died he "was the better driver on the road".  I don't think he understood defensive driving.... it was all about the Offense.

I know that I often count my blessings that I am lucky enough to have and had these three men in my life  I always wanted to be Daddy's girl.  Growing up I always wanted to be the one Dad was proud of.  I think I was usually the one he was shaking his head about, but in a lot of ways I think it was because I was more like him than he cared to acknowledge.  Dad was one that could picture the way a project would turn out in his head one way and then the finished product looked a little similar, but definitely not "Pintrest worthy".  We heard (and I have said) more than once... "Close Enough".  My Dad was the first to offer the wrong comment at the wrong time.... just ask my family.... that is usually me.  When looking at a situation I am the first to get through it with humor, which sometimes isn't probably the preferred method, but I can hear what would have come out of my dad's mouth coming out of mine.  I always knew Dad loved me, but in a lot of ways and a lot of times I know that he would have changed a few things about me if he could have.

Then there is my big brother.  Rex, or JR as I have always and will always know him.  I don't know a more hard working, giving person.  He is always fixing something for someone (many times it is me).  If we are anywhere together he is always the first to see something that needs to be done and just doing it without being asked.  He is kind and giving to a fault.  He will take on projects that he doesn't really have time to take on because he doesn't want to tell anyone no.  I know he always has a project or two he is working on and a bunch of lined up behind those.  I have always believed that if JR can't fix it, there probably isn't a fix for it.  I know over my lifetime he has helped me more than I could ever repay him.  He is a good, honest man that I am so proud to call my brother.

The graduate above is and always will be Little Rex.  No, he isn't little anymore, he has graduated from college and is living the dream in the real world.  He has a great job and is doing quite well for himself.  He is a lot like his father, and if he is in his favorite places they will be outdoors.  He is an avid hunter and fisherman, and he is pretty good at it. I always look forward to seeing pictures of what they have killed during any hunting season.  Rex is a lot of fun to be around, his wit reminds me of my dad and the dimples on that boy are something else.  I am proud to have been asked to be his Godmother and he will always be special to me.  This aunt thinks he is a damn good kid and when he settles down the woman that gets him will have to be pretty special to get my approval.

The three men in the picture above are all known as Rex to others, but to me it is JR, little Rex and Dad.  They are all men that I admire and all men that I have been lucky enough to have in my life.  I hope that you have men like these three in your life because they are all good men that make the world a better place by being a part of it.

Have a great week and if you get the opportunity to be a "Rex" in someone else's life - do it because this world can use more "Rexes".

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