Tuesday, May 22, 2018

They grow up so fast

Today marks a new phase of life for our family.  The baby of the family moved out and is on his way to Chicago.  The baby, mind you is 25, but he is the baby, and the only boy of our bunch so he has been coddled by not only me, but also by his two big sisters. 

As your kids grow you are always excited to see what the future holds for them and still the heart strings tug a little when they head out to find just what that is. 

Josh will be fine, he is going to be joined in Chicago by his girlfriend and they will have successes and failures but it will all work out.  He has dreamed of this day for a long time and I have as well.  I have watched him act and tell jokes for a number of years now, always being so proud of what he is doing.  And now he gets to spread his wings and see just where they take him.

So as of today, a piece of my heart lives in Chicago.  I can't wait to see what happens next. 

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