Monday, December 26, 2022

Looking in the mirror

​After a recent visit by my grandkids, I noticed this on the mirror behind the door in my bedroom. To some this may look like an inconvenience because you have to clean it. Trust me, this mirror needed cleaned anyway, so I see it as a work of art. Those handprints mean my beautiful granddaughter came to visit, she found grandpa’s candy stash, and she looked at herself in this mirror. I can only hope that she will always see the beauty that I see in her when she sees herself in any mirror. 

As we grow older, we tend to see the flaws, the wrinkles, the age spots, the fat, etc. etc. when we look ourselves in the mirror, but I hope that she always sees how beautiful she really is. I have been blessed with some of the best grandkids but I believe that is because first I was blessed with the three best kids.

This past year, our family was knocked down with a diagnosis of my daughter’s stage four colon cancer. Although in many ways this has been one of the worst years of my life. It’s also been one of the years that I am most proud of my family. We have stood by one another and we’re all in this fight with her and will continue to be until she can say she is cancer free. 

As I look at the mirror daily, when I’m getting ready for work, or to go somewhere, I see the age in my face, and I know that all of ours time on this earth is limited, not just those of us that have been diagnosed with anything. I believe that when you look in the mirror you have to except your flaws you have to worry less about what other people think and more about what the good Lord knows. You’ve gotta learn to love yourself along with your flaws.

As we begin another year, I hope those around me know I care deeply even though I’m not always the best at showing it; I think of you often even if I don’t express it like I should; and I appreciate you all more than I could ever say.

I hope my kids realize that I know I’m not perfect I never was, but I’ve always cared so deeply for all of you. 

I pray that 2023 brings great memories, great advances in medicine, lots of healing for our health and our souls, and I hope 2023 brings more families together. 

I hope everyone embraces the autographs left by the little ones on their mirrors or glass doors. I hope everyone embraces the flaws in others knowing that they probably aren’t trying to irritate you, and I hope that 2023 and beyond this little girl can always look in any mirror and see the beauty that I see.

John 15:12 "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."